
A unique blend of Pure Olive Oil, Extra Virgin Avocado Oil & Coriander Oil, Cocavo Coriander Oil delivers a wonderful Coriander flavoured oil that will enhance any dish that calls for a splash of Coriander.



A unique blend of Pure Olive Oil, Extra Virgin Avocado Oil & Coriander Oil, Cocavo Coriander Oil delivers a wonderful Coriander flavoured oil that will enhance any dish that calls for a splash of Coriander.

Poised to become a firm favourite amongst the coriander lovers out there – you will not be disappointed. Use our Coriander Oil to enhance your favourite South East Asian dishes, drizzle over salads, or add a hint of Coriander to mayonnaises & dips.


  • Unique Dual-Purpose cooking oil (High Heat Cooking & Salad Oil)
  • Delivers a lovely Coriander flavour & aroma
  • Packed with Healthy Fats
  • Avocado Oil contains monounsaturated fats & Vitamin E
  • High Smoke point suitable for high heat cooking
  • Amazing Salad Oil for drizzling or making dips, spreads & mayonnaises
  • Vegan & Keto friendly
  • Gluten Free
  • Convenient 250ml recyclable glass bottles
  • Competitively priced to be within reach of all budgets

Cocavo Coriander Oil is currently only available on the Cocavo website shop, so if you want to try this amazing oil and start adding health to your meals, jump online and grab a bottle – you will not be disappointed, believe me.

Keto & Vegan Friendly,

Cocavo Coriander Oil will quickly become a household favourite.

Naturally Gluten Free and Dairy Free, start adding health to your meals with Cocavo Coriander Oil