The best thing about smoothies is they really are so simple to make. Just place everything into a blender, and voila! You have a deliciously healthy beverage. Too easy.

If you are looking for a healthy, refreshing, and plant-based smoothie that tastes as good as it looks, give this Creamy Raspberry, Coconut and Cardamom Smoothie a try.

This smoothie is made with raspberries (the best!) and Cocavo Original (even better!!!), so you know it’s going to be packed full with healthy goodies for you.

Here at Cocavo we are huge fans of pink smoothies, not only because of their pretty colour, but because they’re usually made of berries which are yummy and bursting full of antioxidants. So, sign us up!!!

” Just place everything into a blender, and voila! You have a deliciously healthy beverage. Too easy. “

Adding fats (i.e. nut butter, tahini, avocado, coconut oil or in this case – Cocavo) into your smoothies helps to make thicker, creamier textures. Healthy fats also increase nutrient absorption and aid with digestion (there are so many benefits)!

● 1/4 cup oats, soaked overnight
● 1/4 cup frozen raspberries
● 1/4 cup coconut milk
● 1 tbsp vanilla protein powder
● 1 tsp Cocavo Original, softened
● 1/4 tsp cardamom

1. Chuck everything in a blender and blend until smooth and creamy.

2. Serve with raspberries, coconut yoghurt, nuts, and seeds!