These deliciously healthy Dark Chocolate Energy Balls are sure to please kids & adults alike.
This recipe is from Michelle Yandle – Empowered Eating. The wholesome ingredients make these energy balls a guiltless pleasure.

1 cup lightly packed pitted dates (soak in a bowl with boiling water for about 5 min).
6 tablespoons hemp hearts
3 tablespoons Dutch processed cocoa powder. (substitute with Cocavo Organic Cacao Powder)
2 tablespoons shredded unsweetened coconut
1 tablespoon melted or soft Cocavo Virgin Coconut oil
1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
3 tablespoons chopped dark chocolate
Add all the dry ingredients to a food processor and process until you have a crumb or powder consistency.
Add the dates and melted coconut oil.
Process again until it comes together. Roll into golf balls sized balls. Roll in desired toppings. Place into the fridge to harden.
Shredded coconut
Hemp hearts
Unsweetened cocoa powder or raw cacao powder
Melted dark chocolate
Finely chopped dark chocolate
So good!!!!