If you love ginger, you will just adore this candied ginger recipe courtesy of Suza, a regular visitor to the Cocavo Factory hop in Whangarei.


1 large piece of ginger root peeled & thinly sliced  (a mandolin is good for this).
Raw sugar approx 1 to 2 cups , or monk fruit sugar substitute, but only 1 cup, as this is stronger


Fill a large pan with water then add sliced ginger and gently bring to the boil until the ginger becomes a little softer.
This takes approx 30 mins, with lid on pan.

Once softened, drain into a colander reserving the ginger liquid.
Return approx 2 cups of the liquid and half of the sugar / monk fruit to saucepan.
Bring slowly to a simmer and add the softened ginger, simmer for approx 35 mins,
Note: add a little more of the reserved ginger water if it evaporates too quickly, it should be a nice syrupy consistency now.
The ginger should be nice and tender now.
Drain again in a colander  reserving the syrup.
Put ginger in a single layer on a wire rack over baking paper for approx 30 mins until cool.
Once cooled & still sticky, toss the ginger in a bowl containing the remaining sugar/ monk fruit.
Put in a single layer onto baking paper ( that was under wire rack) overnight to dry.

Next (optional)
Melt approx one 180g bar of your favourite chocolate in a double boiler or microwave. Add a tablespoon of Cocavo Zesty Orange Oil and stir well.
Dip each ginger slice half way up an put on wire rack to dry
Eat and enjoy 😉
Remainder of ginger syrup can be used as a sauce for deserts etc