Coconut oil as health oil was recognized in Ayurvedic medicine almost 4000 years ago. The same health effects were also attributed to the mother’s milk in ancient literature. Modern research has now found a common link between these two natural health products – their lipid content. The medium chain fatty acids and monoglycerides found primarily in coconut oil have miraculous healing power which act as natural antibiotic and also help modulate immunity.
The information discussed in this review explains that coconut oil, either topically applied or ingested, gets broken down to release Lauric Acid and Monolaurin – known anti-microbial agents.
For more information, this article in the JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICIANS OF INDIA examines Coconut Oil and IMMUNITY.
Never before in recent times has the recognition of the positive health effects of coconut oil been stronger. And never before in the history of man is it so important to emphasize the value provided by these natural agents with 360o protection – nutraceutical as well as cosmeceutical benefits. Coconut oil and its various forms can contribute to a more vigorous and healthy future..