We are obsessed with this Miso, Kumara (sweet potato) and Coconut Corn Chowder flavour combo! Besides from it being super creamy in consistency, this chowder is also at the top of the flavour combo game (we talking umami)!
Kumara, coconut, and corn are naturally sweet, but when their flavours mingle together with miso the resulting taste is delicious.

” This chowder is at the top of the flavour combo game. “

1 tbsp Cocavo Original
400g kumara (sweet potato), diced 2cm
Pinch asafoetida
1 tsp mustard powder
Pinch salt
1 tbsp miso
1x400ml can coconut cream
2 tbsp coconut flour
2 cups corn kernels
1. In a large saucepan, melt the Cocavo over medium heat. Add the kumara, asafoetida, mustard powder and salt. Cook, stirring, for 5-10 minutes until fragrant.
2. Add miso, stirring to coat. Then, add coconut milk, coconut flour, and corn, cover with a lid and cook for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add more liquid as necessary.
That’s it! So simple and so delicious!