As butter prices continue to rise and we see more of our money melting into our toast each morning, Cocavo has the answer to help you save on what’s becoming a notoriously expensive staple.

Here’s a simple trick that will make your expensive butter go a lot further. The resulting blend is fantastic, spreads easily and tastes delicious.


You will need equal quantities of:

• Butter, diced and slightly softened at room temperature

• Cocavo Olive Oil, Flaxseed oil or Sunflower oil, or a mixture of oils such as Cocavo Hot Wok Oil


Using either a food processor or a bowl and hand mixer, begin by beating or processing the butter. Slowly add the oil of your choice and beat or process until light and creamy.

Divide the spread between three or four smaller bowls, seal and refrigerate.

If the blend is a little too soft for your liking, reduce the quantity of oil by half.