Putting the Spotlight on – Avocadoil Chilli Oil
Not all Chilli Oils are created equal. Cocavo’s Avocadoil Chilli Oil is a game-changer that will have you coming back for more.
Putting the Spot-light on Cocavo Original
COCAVO ORIGINAL Cocavo Original is a combination of unrefined extra virgin coconut oil and extra virgin avocado oil. Cocavo Original offers a combination of health benefits from coconut and avocado oils including high levels of mono-unsaturated fat, vitamin E, plant...
Adding Healthy Fats into your Diet can be Challenging
If you are on a low carb/high fat or keto weight loss journey, or just looking at ways of adding health to your meals, then start by adding healthy oils & fats from Cocavo. We often hear from consumers on low carb & Keto diets that the cost of quality cooking oils is a big challenge in their weight loss journey.
What you need to know about Hemp Seed Oil
A common question we are asked is: What is hemp? Hemp has been cultivated by humans for centuries for the production of many products ranging from rope & clothing through to cosmetics and food . Think of hemp as a raw material, much like cotton or wood....
COCAVO – Your Vegan Ghee Alternative
Technically, ghee does not contain milk solids, which are removed during production. This is why many consumers think ghee is 'lactose-free' and 'paleo-friendly. ' However, ghee still contains butterfat and is derived from animal products (milk), and is therefore not...
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil – A Gift from Mother Nature
Here at Cocavo, we understand healthy fats and the benefits of consuming healthy fats, no matter what diet or culinary lifestyle you follow. While many consumers are put off healthy cooking oils because of the higher price they command, the team here at Cocavo are...
Hemp Seed Oil – Now available in bulk
Cocavo is pleased to advise our Organic Hemp Seed Oil is now available in a variety of bulk packaging options at very good prices. Choose from our 2lt, 5lt, 15lt or 20lt packaging options and save money. Cocavo Organic Hemp Seed Oil is natural, cold pressed &...
100% Pure Coconut Oil – SUPER OIL @ SUPER SAVER PRICES
Here's a newsflash I'm sure won't surprise you... nothing concocted in a laboratory can ever replace the value of what is found in nature! Mother Nature is incredibly generous in the way she provides - offering a bounty of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins,...
Buying Products Online
Buying our hugely diverse range of Cocavo superfood oil products online has never been easier! We've hooked on to a new system for our online shopping cart which is 100% more user-friendly, intuitive, and seamless right from selecting which product you want, to...
Contacting Us
If you have any questions regarding Cocavo, contact us using the information below:
Phone: +64 9 9719482
Postal Address
Cocavo Limited
PO Box 11010 Whangarei Mail Centre, Whangarei, 0110
New Zealand
Factory & Shop - 29 Port Rd, Whangarei